Traffic and Safety


The transportation infrastructure and emergency services for the Perryman Peninsula are already overburdened by the existing industrial and residential population. The Mitchell Farm property is only accessible by a single residential road (Perryman, Rte 159) that is the only access in/out of over 400 residential homes.  The addition of thousands of trucks and warehouse staff is incompatible with this community and its road and will significantly increase safety and emergency services issues.

Major Areas of Concern

  1. Existing transportation infrastructure already overburdened
  2. Incompatible mix of industrial traffic and residential walking/biking/car use is presently dangerous
  3. Numerous trucks on residential roads, truck backups on roads waiting to get onto warehouse property, etc. increase risks to residents and emergency services
  4. Shift change burden is NOT being captured on traffic studies
  5. Development would further isolate 400+ homes on shared industrial/residential roads
  6. Unlike other local warehouse developments where minimal residential access is restricted, 400+ homes are ONLY accessible via Perryman Road
  7. Even with the proposed “improvements” to Perryman and Canning House roads, the Mitchell development would force residential, school bus, emergency services traffic through industrial traffic
  8. Emergency response access severely impacted
  9. The Perryman Peninsula residence will see increased emergency service response requirements and times due to the increased traffic, vehicular and hazardous waste accidents


If the Mega Warehouse Development cannot be prevented, then the following actions are recommended:

  1. No further Development on Peninsula until Woodley and 715 interchange is completed
  2. Prevent isolation of Perryman Peninsula residents from emergency services
  3. Design development to separate Industrial and Residential traffic – Prohibit industrial and support staff traffic on Perryman Road

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