The Paving Paradise Series

Paving Paradise is work created by Gabriel Watson of The Commons on the proposed freight distribution center and the impacts it will have on the community. 3P featured the story as part of a 9 week series between May 23 and July 19, 2022. Read each part by clicking on the image below or read Gabe’s complete document.

Paving Paradise Part 1: Local Problems, Global Forces

This is part one of nine in the Paving Paradise series by Gabriel Watson of [...]

Paving Paradise Part 2: For Sale By Owner

For more than a century, the Mitchell Company was the driving force of Perryman’s historic [...]

Paving Paradise Part 3: Truck Trouble

The impacts of freight terminals on Perryman Peninsula are immediately evident, from trash to traffic.  [...]


Paving Paradise Part 4: Something in the Air

Beyond the visible issues of tractor trailer traffic, the 18 wheelers contribute additional harm to [...]

Paving Paradise Part 5: Infinitely Impervious

Freight terminal development and stormwater runoff impacts not only residents, but also the surrounding environment. [...]

Paving Paradise Part 6: Poison in the Wells

TCE is a cancer-causing legacy pollutant once used by the military as a flame retardant.  [...]

Paving Paradise Part 7: Unequal People

Perryman and its adjacent neighborhoods have higher percentages of People of Color and people earning [...]

Paving Paradise Part 8: If You Build It

Efforts to stall development on Perryman are set against the backdrop of expanding industrial transportation [...]

Paving Paradise Part 9: The Long Road Ahead

The story of freight terminals in Perryman and across the region is still being written. [...]