CREG vs harford county

On February 28, 2023, Chesapeake Real Estate Group filed a motion for a temporary restraining order against Harford County, accusing them of intentionally delaying the approval process for their proposed Mitchell Property mega-warehouse development project.

CREG is asking the Court to “order the County to immediately issue approvals for CREG’s Series 3  Final Development Plans”

Read CREG's Lawsuit filed 2/28/2023 (PDF)

Harford County responded, “CREG has purposely neglected to inform the Court of the ever-expanding scope of the project. The residents and businesses currently utilizing the limited infrastructure serving the Perryman Peninsula are as likely if not more likely to suffer substantial and irreparable injury as CREG.”

Read Harford's Response 3/7/2023 (PDF)


Case Number C-12-CV-23-000162

February 27, 2024 UPDATE:
Chesapeake Real Estate Group, LLC vs. Harford County, Maryland” case was closed as of 2/26/2024 on a Voluntary Dismissal from the Plaintiff.

3/23/2023 UPDATE:
The CREG vs Harford County matter was heard by Judge Mahoney today in Circuit Court. The Motion by CREG for a Temporary Restraining Order is DENIED. The Court Reserves on Motion for Preliminary Injunction based on the outcome of the Warehouse Moratorium bill. The Counsel to arrange new dates with chambers.

During the hearing, the court will weigh CREG’s request for a temporary restraining order and bond waiver against Harford County’s motion for dismissal. Harford County is defending the community’s right to thoroughly review and communicate on any proposed project, ensuring all necessary requirements are met before approval. The court will assess the evidence and arguments to determine the merit of CREG’s claims and the potential impact on future development and community interests in Harford County.

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