Chesapeake Real Estate Group, Mitchell Company, and Prologis Exploit Horse Training Facility to Push Illegal Freight Terminal Project

The Perryman community, along with Harford County Executive Bob Cassilly and the Harford County Council, has shown strong support for the establishment of a Thoroughbred Training Facility at the Mitchell Farm. However, the Mitchell Company and Chesapeake Real Estate Group (CREG) are threatening to withdraw from the project unless the County agrees to an illegal 800,000-square-foot freight terminal that grossly exceeds legal zoning limits.

In a recent community meeting, CREG, joined by Prologis, made it clear that their backing of the horse training facility is contingent upon the approval of this freight terminal project, a move that has been described as nothing short of extortionate. The proposed freight terminal, which violates existing zoning laws by exceeding the 250,000-square-foot limit, would introduce severe environmental and community impacts that have been met with strong opposition from the Perryman community and local government leaders.

“This tactic jeopardizes not only the horse training facility but also the environmental and historical integrity of Perryman,” said Paul Fallace, President of 3P Protect Perryman Peninsula. “The community has worked tirelessly to secure this project, and it’s disheartening to see it being exploited by the Mitchell Company and CREG for their own gain.”

The proposed mega-warehouse threatens to disrupt the tranquility essential for horse training and poses significant risks to the local aquifer, which supplies 30% of Harford County’s drinking water. The environmental degradation associated with this development would be disastrous, potentially leading to contamination from industrial runoff and petrochemicals.

Rignal Baldwin V, with Baldwin Legal Group and counsel for 3P, stated, “The Thoroughbred Training Facility must move forward independently, without being tied to unlawful industrial development. The developer’s attempt to push through a project that violates the County Code is an affront to Harford County’s elected officials and the community they serve.”

3P Protect Perryman Peninsula is calling on the County Executive and County Council to reject CREG’s demands and instead collaborate with the State of Maryland to subsidize the infrastructure costs necessary for the Thoroughbred Training Facility. The organization also advocates for the purchase of the remaining land to be designated as a state park with a historical, heritage, and equestrian theme, ensuring that the land remains a public asset and is protected from harmful industrial development.

“We urge the County leadership to stand firm against these coercive tactics and to protect the interests of Harford County’s residents,” added Glenn Gillis, a prominent member of 3P Protect Perryman Peninsula. “This isn’t just about Perryman; it’s about preserving the integrity of our community and ensuring that development is community-supported and beneficial for everyone.”

3P Protect Perryman Peninsula remains committed to advocating for community-supported development that aligns with the community’s values and will continue to raise awareness about the environmental and public safety consequences of inappropriate industrial projects.

Read 3P’s Full Response to the CREG Horse Training Bundling Plan 

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