Existing industrial development on the Perryman Peninsula is causing adverse impacts on the Environment including the Bush River, smaller sub-watersheds, sensitive ecosystems, habitat, and wildlife. Current Storm Water (MS4) compliance shortfalls are heavily impacting Cranberry Run with erosive sedimentation, parking lot contaminants, and trash.
Major Areas of Concern
- Clean Water Impacts
- Storm Water Management (SWM) from hundreds of acres of additional impervious surface
- Watershed Impacts to Cranberry and Deep Spring Run due to the volume and velocity of storm water
- Wetlands Impacts, loss by incorporation into SWM facilities and hydrologic disruption/fracture
- Safe Drinking Water Impacts
- Perryman Well head Aquifer Contributing Area loss due to massive amounts of impervious surface
- Perryman Wellfield and private well contamination from petroleum, oils, antifreeze and heavy metals present on massive loading and parking lots
- Wildlife/Habitat Impacts
- Impacts to existing riparian and wetland habitats and resident species on the development site
- Impacts to the adjoining Church Creek Sensitive Species Project Review Area (SSPRA)
- Impacts to Bald Eagles, Migratory Birds, and Forest Interior Dwelling Species on the property
- Clean Air Impacts
- Emissions impacts on the local community from thousands of trucks (idling) and cars
- Environmental Justice
- Perryman’s household median income is 36% below Harford County’s median household income, 18.1% of Perryman families live in poverty more than double the Harford County poverty rate, and Perryman’s community of color is double the percentage of Harford County
If the Mega Warehouse Development cannot be prevented, then the following actions are recommended:
- Harford County Actions
- Reassess the proposed development site’s zoning and further development on the Peninsula based on current and potential impacts on the Perryman Well Field District due to the massive amounts of impervious surface already developed and proposed
- Delay proposed development until the Source Water Assessment and revised Well Head Protection Plan (WHPP) are complete
- Ensure compliance with Current Zoning requirements limiting impervious surface to 50% (per Warehouse Lot), do not allow buffers and other portions of the overall parcel to be included in that calculation.
- Require Storm Water management systems capture and treat storm water to prevent contaminates from infiltrating well field aquifers
- Stop disproportionately allocating land uses and development with adverse Environmental, Traffic, and Safety Impacts in lower income and communities of color
- MDE Actions
- Conduct Wetlands Survey and delineation of the entire development site
- Investigate/enforce current ongoing adverse Storm Water impacts (MS4/NPDES/TMDL Non-Compliance) on the Peninsula Quality of Life
- Update “Source Water Assessment for The Perryman Well Field” based on extensive development since last assessment
- Study/Implement an Indirect Source Rule for Warehousing and Logistics Industry
- Resource enforcement current idling laws, specialized monitors with authority to write tickets dedicated to Warehousing and Logistics Areas
- Study/Implement an Indirect Source Rule for Warehousing and Logistics Industry
- DNR Actions
- Conduct full field survey of the entire property to determine presence and distribution of any federal or state listed species
- Review the developer’s Forest Stand Delineation
- Ensure robust buffers are required on proposed development to preserve habitats and prevent/mitigate impacts
Traffic on Flooded Perryman Road
Tractor trailer barreling along a flooded section of Perryman Road between the Clorox plant and Advantage Road. This flooding is frequent and worsening as the truck traffic intensifies.
HERPING a Vernal Pool in DANGER!
Help save this Wetland!
environmental & water supply video gallery

3P Council 20221012 Glenn Dudderar - Water quality from development

3P Council 20220414 Environmental Impacts (Steve Wilcock)

3P Council 20220308 Death Star Development (Christopher Byers)

3P Council 20220308 Climate Change (Emma Pellar)

3P Council 20220118 Green Plan (Henry Gibbons)

3P Council 20220118 Enterprise Zone (Tracy Waite)

3P Council 20220111 Impermeable Surfaces (Sheryl Cole)

3P Council 20220201 Alternatives (Robin Ishak)

3P Council 20220118 Good Neighbors (Stacy Stone)

3P Council 20220111 Environment (Glenn Durderer)