Quality of Life


The Perryman Peninsula is an historic agricultural and residential community. Open spaces, healthy water/land/air, freedom of movement, beautiful flora/fauna, etc. are the character of this community.  Thousands of residents view ourselves as stewards of the land.  The proposed development will forever and irreparably harm the region and the quality of life for the wildlife and residents.

Major Areas of Concern

  1. Noise/light impacts
  2. Walking/biking impacts
  3. Property values


If the Mega Warehouse Development cannot be prevented, then the following actions are recommended:

  1. Significant setbacks and restrictions be placed and enforced on development’s aesthetics, noise, and light impact on the residents and wildlife
  2. Portions of the property designated as park land to connect existing/expanded Perryman Park with existing Forest Green Park
  3. Walking and biking access onto the peninsula be created
  4. Historic significance of the region be studied and preserved

Protecting Perryman Peninsula

Parks and Recreation

Perryman Parks Disparity

Picture tour of Harford County parks showing the disparity of parks in other parts of the County compared to Perryman.
Saturday 15 January 2022 1 – 4pm

quality of life video gallery