3P Response to MDOT SHA Regarding Traffic Impact Study for Mitchell Freight Center

The 3P Protect Perryman Peninsula, LLC. (3P) acknowledges the comments the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) provided to Chesapeake Real Estate Group, LLC. (CREG) on Version 2 (dated as June 2022) and Version 3 (September 28, 2022) of the Traffic Impact Study prepared for the Freight Distribution Center (FDC) proposed on the Mitchell property in Perryman, Maryland.

After our review, we continue to oppose the project concept in its entirety as contrary to the nature of the surrounding residential neighborhoods and illegal for the land zoned light industrial and taxed agricultural. With that in mind, 3P continues to have several concerns with the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) related to this development and believes the developer needs to address those comments provided by MDOT SHA adequately.

Read 3P's Letter to MDOT SHA on Mitchell Freight Center


1 thoughts on “3P Response to MDOT SHA Regarding Traffic Impact Study for Mitchell Freight Center

  1. Melinda McGuire says:

    Around 10:00 this morning, out on Rt 715 outside of APG Fred Ward was out there surveying. They are still up to something?

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