Moratorium Vote – 7 Ways You Can Help

Ok Folks! We made it through the hearing. Please now do the following 7 things to keep protecting Perryman:

  1. Register to vote – party does not matter – what matters to the politicians is that you are registered. If you are not, your calls and letters are more likely to be disregarded. Registered voters get better representation than unregistered residents. You can register to vote online here.
  2. Call all council members (including Curtis) and request an in person meeting. Do not allow another councilmember to be scheduled in the meeting with you. It will become a circus act.
  3. Ask for their vote on the Moratorium – a yes vote. Educate your Council Member about the issues. If they have questions you cannot answer or ask for information you do not have – please circle back with the 3P leadership team. You can find us on Facebook at (3P) Protect Perryman Peninsula.
  4. Sign and submit the 3P VOTE YES letter – you and every member of your household even if in the service or in college. This is a new letter – do it even if you signed the old letter. Please sign and customize.
  5. Call your friends and family in other parts of the County with 2 asks:
    a. Sign the 3P letter and ask friends and family to sign
    b. Ask them to call their council member
  6. Give Money if you can. We need contributions to stay on track
  7. Breath, Smile and Unleash the 3P Heat

6 thoughts on “Moratorium Vote – 7 Ways You Can Help

  1. Shirley A Bishop says:

    Please save our land. Our animals and birds need the land to survive. The people need the land to enjoy. Nobody wants to look at a warehouse. We have enough warehouses in Aberdeen. Once you pave the land it is gone.

  2. M J HURDLE says:

    Our children need Green spaces, clean air, clean water to enable their growth. Please preserve space for all children & their families. Preserve our air, water & land. Our freedom of space for both humans & wildlife.

  3. Sally says:

    I have seen eagle nests in the woods surrounding these fields. I have seen all kinds of Mother Nature’s children and Gods creations through here. It’s the last of the open land in this area. I have stopped a bus I was driving and the kids and myself watched an eagle feeding in this field. It was the first for many of them. No more Warehouses, Apartment complexes, or anything else that will destroy this precious land that is left.
    Leave the land alone!

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