Jacob Bennett’s Statement on Perryman Peninsula

Jacob Bennett, Candidate for County Council District F
Posted June 17, 2022 on Facebook

The people of Perryman have been dumped upon with industrial freight terminals for over 20 years. This has created significant traffic issues, poisoned water wells, increased air pollution and strained local infrastructure.

Now, the County government plans to dump on Perryman AGAIN by approving, in the middle of residential communities, a freight distribution center larger than multiple NFL stadiums put together. As proposed, the freight terminal will create traffic volumes greater than many commercial airports. Most concerning, the property is currently a valuable open space and the only working farm on the Peninsula bordering a large swath of the Bush River.

Our county is slow to repair Perryman’s roads, take care of their parks, or maintain the public housing in the community but they are quick to collect campaign donations and tax revenue from developers.

There is a long history of environmental racism against the people of Perryman and all the residents across the southern region of Harford County. Currently only 1 council member lives across Route 40 thanks to gerrymandered districts.

I support the people of Perryman in their efforts to stop this overdevelopment of their community and I will fight to end this racist practice of turning Route 40 into the “dumping grounds” of the Harford County government.

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